Think the reward isn't even worth the investment
In the latter case Google will follow you because you will generate traffic so you can rank . As you can see what you want to achieve is important especially when other aspects can be controlled by the target audience hosted on Contests require knowing who your target audience is . Remember that contests can increase your followers and likes , but this doesn’t always mean sales , so you should target your target audience to maximize what you’re looking for . The result is an attractive gift, especially if the sale is what you want. Imagine you run a contest to win a bookmark onWell a priori very few people will sign up because you're not offering a gift or 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh something else worth liking or interacting with people that being said that 's the best we can offer you for creating a contest on The advice is: Don’t ask for too much. You shouldn’t ask for too much in a contest. When you force people to do something to participate, they don’t have to worry about complying . The simple fact of keeping it is what makes people win contests because theyof their time if it's small so it's trying to make their participation as easy as possible so they don't mind doing it but they enjoy it because they think they enjoy it Instead of being exploited or it 's a free way of advertising for e-commerce
Attention to Detail It 's great that you ran a contest , but did you set a time limit on how the winner was chosen ? Rules governing the contest so they know how to implement it . Try to be as objective as possible. Offer consolation prizes. Unfortunately like other contests there is usually a winner and that's it. But imagine people taking part or a single winner out of many. Sounds like that. It 's a joke and a lot of people stop trying when they see a lot of partners .